WATERWAYS launch party!
The editing team is excited to announce the publication of our first zine, WATERWAYS!
We are hosting an evening launch party on Saturday, September 16 from 6pm-8pm at New Freeway Hall (5018 Rainier Ave S. Seattle, WA 98118). There will be readings from our contributors, fun crafts, and of course zines available on a pay-what-you-can basis. This is a masks required event!
The amazing contributors to this zine include M Chan, Wilbur Charles-Wallace, Tesla Kawakami, William Lau, Sabs Stein, Hayden Stern, Rya Wu, and Reb Zhou. Our epic poster is by editor Teddy McDonald.
This project was supported, in part, by a grant from 4Culture and the Collective Power Fund by @nwfilmforum