We are interested in publishing all kinds of things:

Essays, Articles, & Fiction: We prioritize works that connect institutional issues to personal experiences and research. There’s no hard line for the length of submissions, but fewer than 5,000 words is preferred.  VIADUCT is a great place to share pieces that are too good for your classes.   If you’re interested in publishing fiction, essays, or research in a non-traditional format, please email us your proposal.

Poetry: You can submit poetry either individually or in a manuscript of two to five poems (if your poetry is a part of a series, please specify). Please make sure that your entire submission does not surpass twenty pages. 

Comics: We love autobiographical comics (though historical or fictional are great too). We are looking for self-contained comics, as well as a recurring cartoonist. If you’re interested in being a recurring cartoonist for VIADUCT, please submit two to three examples of what the serialized comic would be like. Coloring, text format, and art styles are up to you!

Visual Art & Multimodal Works: We love multimodal works, and we accept literary pieces that are supplemented by—or focus on—visual art.  If you don’t know whether your work fits VIADUCT due to content or form, just ask.  ♥

VIADUCT has sloughed off its chrysalis. Just like you, we were impacted heavily by COVID-19, losing work, and struggling with our studies.  We can’t pretend that the pandemic is over, or that we’re “trying to get things back to normal.”  It is a huge privilege that our work on VIADUCT is not bound to laws of corporate efficiency or profit.  However, this also means that this publication cannot be our highest priority. We thank you in advance for your patience as we try to get back to everyone with thoughtful responses and editing notes! 

Information for submitting to VIADUCT:

  • VIADUCT rejects the institutional models of publishing. We may be interested in publishing a submission once it has been more fully realized.  We have a fairly informal editing process: if we receive a submission that doesn’t quite meet our standards, we’ll try to send it back with comments in hope for re-submission. We want to give every submission the time it deserves.  If you do not want comments or to work with us to refine a piece for publication, please end the title of your submitted document with “NO EDITING.” 

  • Please do not send us previously published work, including self-published or posted to a personal blog or website. We hold rights to accepted work until first publication, at which point all rights revert to the author

  • If you wish to submit multiple works (up to a maximum of three), please compile them all into one file, separated by page break and title line. Please include the titles of each piece on the file's cover letter. If you submit multiple works, note that pieces may not be published concurrently. 

  • At this time, VIADUCT regrettably does not have the funding to pay contributors. However, we aim to be able to pay for published work in the future (and to pay for all previous contributions, so keep in touch!)

If you have any questions about your submission or our guidelines, don’t hesitate to shoot us an email at viaductjournal@gmail.com or through our contact page! We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.